Saturday, March 19, 2011

Hello Snowball By: Caleb

Meet snowball.
I have always loved pets, and we had to leave our dog in America. I tried having some snails here but our bag of dirt that we were using got infected with bugs. I had to let the snails go but I still wanted a pet. I looked at fish for awhile, but as the fish tank I would need alone is over $200. It was a little too much.

I went to the pet store to see what other options there were and I saw him. Hamsters looked like the perfect pet. So I went home and did some research to see what I would need. My birthday was only a few days away.

I decided to get one so on my birthday we went to the pet store.

There was a lot to consider as to what kind of food to get, and what cage was best. Thankfully there was a store employee there who knew what he was talking about and was happy to help us.

Then it was time to pick the hamster. There was plenty of them to choose from. One of them was very comfortable with me holding him but also had some energy. He was the perfect choice.

I named him Snowball since he is white and we miss snow. He is only five weeks old and very active. He likes his new home and is adapting well.

He likes to sleep in warm cozy corners.

I am very happy with Snowball and I hope he will be a good pet to have in Singapore.


  1. Awww...he is cute. Love the name!

  2. We adored the hamsters we have had in the past. Here's hoping he enjoys a long and happy life in his new forever home! Happy Birthday, again, if I missed it before. Speaking of missing, WE MISS YOU!

  3. Now, I'm wondering.... if Snowball gets loose and is running on the white marble floors, how will you find him?!?!?!? :)

    Mrs Weidner
