Saturday, December 18, 2010

Nature In The Ctiy

We live in definite city, this is the view from one of our balconies.

In fact there is "city" all around us all the time, but less than 5 miles away from our apartment is a nature center and today we went exploring.
The Mac Ritchie Reservoir is one of many reservoirs in Singapore.  Singapore gets a lot of its fresh water from Malaysia so in the endeavor to be independent as a nation Singapore has a very aggressive reservoir program.

The water is treated and then sent into your home for drinking etc.   the water in Singapore is safe unlike many of the surrounding countries but we as a family still filter our water before drinking it due to the amount of chlorine added to the water by the city.

There are monkeys running wild in the park but we did not see any today probably because it had just rained so we think they were bedded down, it is very clear that you are not to feed the monkeys and we have been warned to hold on tight to our water bottles as the monkeys are known to swoop down out of the trees, grab your bottle and take of running.

There is beautiful plant life all around in the park and it is very peaceful as well.

The park is a nice place to picnic, there are benches and little covered picnic tables throughout the park.
Singapore is big on its signs and they leave little doubt as to what the sign actually means, here are some signs we saw today in our park walk.
There are also many places to just sit and reflect.  We were only able to explore a fraction of the park today, we will for sure be back, oh and the parking was way cheap!  Thirty cents for a couple of hours.
We are thankful to be in a city that offers many areas for us to enjoy Gods creation.


  1. Great pictures! I love that the wild life is so abundantly close to the city.

    Seeing the boys in flipflops makes me want to pull mine out.

  2. AWWWW! No monkeys?! Bummer!
    I'm so glad you have so many fun and interesting things to explore and enjoy while you are there.

  3. I love the beautiful flower pictures. Wow! I am glad you are able to enjoy and be thankful for the areas of natural earth you can find around the city. Our natural earth still has the ice layer beneath snow layer. It has been too cold to melt it away. Mini glaciers must be forming everywhere.
