Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sumatra Day 2

What a lovely day we have awaken to.  It is so cool to be able to interact with people from all tribes and nations and to again confirm that yes, we all come in all shapes sizes and colors and yes we are all human and yes we all have cares and joys in our lives.  Children, teens, adults, elderly the same but yet different all over this vast and amazing world we live in.

Our family who live in Indonesia  work as teachers in a school that offers language lessons to the community.  They also run a public computer lab,

They have a garden that some of the workers grow and then they can sell their vegetables to the community.
and a rather nice library!  Almost all of the books have been donated to the school, there are books in Indonesian and in English to help the students with their language skills.

We traveled in the "public bus taxis" the real name for them sounds something like on-coves.  Anyway many people can fit in these or at least they think they can, we have learned that in Asia you can always fit in one more person.  There are bench seats on both sides of the vehicle and you simply pile in and let the driver know where you are going.

Our group headed to the towns historical fort, it was really a cool place, with a great look out and some nice views of the city.

We really stood out as a group of nine white people, EVERYONE wanted their picture taken with us, our guide told us that some of the people have never seen a foreigner before and they will like to post their picture with a white person, so for a little while we obliged and smiled and just had some fun with them.
Scott was really popular as he has a beard :)
After our fort tour we were hot and hungry so we headed to a little fish shack for lunch, on the way we came across some fishermen and Scott was able to get some photos, I think we ate their catch for our lunch.
Here is the outside of our restaurant

and the kitchen
and the coconut guy
The food was delicious~  FRESH Red Snapper~  YUM

We headed to J and K's home after lunch, Randi was treated to a "cream bath", (an hour long head, neck, and shoulder massage with a deep conditioning hair treatment), by some of her friends in Indonesia, luxury!
It was so very nice to see these ladies again!  I miss them and am blessed to know them.  While I was being totally pampered at the spa, the rest of our group met J and K's neighbors and really had a great time, the neighbors gave my boys, all three of them, coconut tree climbing lessons.
They really had fun, some goods were purchased... and neighborhood pictures were obtained. 

These boys were so excited to show off their Coy pond to Caleb and Keegan.
Friends reunited and new faces met..... it was a good day in Sumatra, tomorrow will be a new adventure, oh, we came back to our hotel at night and a wedding was going on, check out these signs made out of flowers that lined the street!

And last but not least..... some random city scenes.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics & descriptions... It was sooo great having you guys here and sharing life with you! Lookin forward to see in you again here in a few hours. :)
