Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Reality Sets In

We have known for about 10 months that we might move to Singapore, in fact we have known for about five months that most likely that would be our reality.  Somehow today when we gave the verbal acceptance of the offer that reality that we have "known" is WAY more than what it was just moments before the conference call.  I mean what am I going to do?  How do you prepare to home school a Freshman and a 7th grader in a very foreign land?  How am I going to cook, what am I going to cook? What should I bring, what should I leave behind.  How do you cope with all those good byes?  I really don't like good byes so if I say good bye to you in a short manner it is because... why dwell on it we can't change it so why wallow in the fact that it may be a bit before we see each other again.  I am so thankful for the Internet at this moment.  With skype, and facebook, and e-mail and text messaging and vonnage international communication will be a lot easier than it was even just a decade ago.

So today I start the first learning curve for our international assignment.  Welcome to the Miles of Singapore Adventures blog.  I hope it is a blessing to you to learn with us as we embark on an awesome adventure for our family.  


  1. I am so glad you get to do this assignment! After all the shorter mission trips you have taken to many places in the world - this seems to make the most sense to me that God would send you guys this way. You can still be missionaries this way remember! All God's blessings to you as you prepare to go....

  2. Just thinking maybe you should talk with Deana Lee about how and what to pack. She and her family spent 2 years as missionaries, homeschooling in Japan. She might have some insights that will help.

  3. How exciting for your family! I too am thankful for the internet and all the technology available to communicate with you :o) I'll keep posted on your adventures. You are blessed!


  4. I'm so happy and scared for you all at once!! This blog is going to be great! Good Luck to you and your family.
